‘The Truth About Food’ at OSU to focus on science, journalism
From OnCampus Today
an online publication of The Ohio State University
Monday, May 15, 2017
The Food Innovation Center at Ohio State University on June 12 will host “The Truth About Food: The Role of Science in Public Affairs Journalism.”
The Central Ohio Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists is among the event’s sponsors.
The program will explore the relationship among consumers, academics and journalists and the importance of effective science communications.

Set for 1-4 p.m. Monday, June 12, at the Ohio Union, the event will feature a keynote address from Nina Teicholz, New York Times best-selling author of the The Big Fat Surprise. Teicholz, an investigative journalist, will share her experience researching the 2014 book that challenged years of conventional wisdom on dietary fat.
The program is free but advance registration is required.
What Purpose? The ability of science and technology to improve society requires a trust relationship between consumers, academics and journalists. The program will explore the capabilities and limitations of this network. It will seek understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of providing factual science-based food information. As facts flow from benchtop, to blog does accuracy suffer?
Why Attend? Anyone interested in effective science communication or in critically analyzing food claims in welcome to attend. Thanks to our sponsors, there is no cost to attend but advance registration is required and limited to seating.
Where and when? 1-4 p.m. Monday, June 12, 2017 in the US Bank Theater at The Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., Columbus OH 43210.
Sponsors of the program and panel discussion include The OSU Food Innovation Center, Citation Needed (an OSU student organization originating from the Department of Food Science and Technology), The Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism at Ohio State, and The Central Ohio Chapter of the Society of Professional.
1 p.m. – Welcome and Introductions
1:10 p.m. – Keynote Speaker: Nina Teicholz
2 p.m. – Panel Discussion: How to Tell a Research Story: From Pitfalls to Perfection.
The panel will focus on the relationship between the research community, journalists and public information officers and how they work together to develop clear messaging on complex scientific topics for the general public.
Panelists will share specific experiences related to their work, identifying best practices and pitfalls when it comes to science communications.
Panel moderator: Jeff Grabmeier, Senior Director, OSU Research Communications
Panelists: Ken Lee, Professor of Food Science and Director of the Food Innovation Center; Misti Crane, Assistant Director, OSU Research Communications; Marion Renault, Columbus Dispatch Science Reporter; Joe Cornely, Senior Director of Communications for the Ohio Farm Bureau; Matt Teegarden, Phd candidate and USDA National Needs Fellow in food science at Ohio State.
3 p.m.- Closing Speaker: Earle Holland, Contributing Editor for Health News Review
Holland has more than 35 years of experience as a science communicator. His presentation will address the shared responsibility of the media, the scientific community and the consumer to critically analyze health claims in various media outlets.
For additional information, visit https://u.osu.edu/truthaboutfood/