Feb 9 2009 board meeting minutes

Feb. 9, 2009 board meeting minutes

Attendance: Jennifer Monnin, Mike Lorz, Katy Waters, Sarah Bacha, Jon Peters, Julanne Hohbach, Ismail Turay (via telephone), Robin Hepler, Beth Gianforcaro, Kevin Kemper and Chuck Nelson

President Jennifer Monnin called the meeting to order at noon with a quorum present. She welcomed new board member Beth Gianforcaro, who is returning to the board to fill an open spot.

Minutes of the Jan. 12, 2009, meeting were amended to delete a reference that Connie Schultz will not participate in the regional conference because of a scheduling conflict. That information was previously established in the Dec. 8, 2008, meeting minutes. Mike made the amendment; Julanne issued a second.

Finance: Treasurer Sarah Mills Bacha reported a balance of $3,244.54 in the checking account. The PayPal account balance was $324.71. She paid the Worthington Inn $379.20 for the recent “Meet the Kips” program. She also reported the value of the Vanguard accounts at $25,544.14, with income of $771.64 for the year ended Dec. 31, 2008. Market value for the year earlier was $31,414.81. The decline represents the sluggish markets and economy.

Programs: Kevin reported approximately 20 people attended the Kiplinger reception at the Worthington Inn. He is working on an ethics program for April, but no date has been determined. Possible topics include public records – just because they are public should that guarantee access? – and the ethics questions surrounding journalists’ used of Facebook and My Space.

Regional Conference: Katy shared the registration form. Sponsorship checks are coming in, but none received yet from Nationwide and Ohio Newspaper Association, so Jennifer and Katy will check on the status of those sponsorships. Kevin has received a verbal commitment from The Dispatch to be a sponsor. In other conference news:

  • The Online News Association was supposed to present speakers for two sessions, “Beat Blogging” and the “Art of the Two-Minute Video,” but they are requesting help to lead the sessions. They have also contacted Chuck separately. Katy has also had trouble getting ONA to honor a commitment to sponsor Friday night’s happy hour. Jennifer will contact ONA officials to check status and give them until Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009, to confirm their participation.
  • Folks were asked to send e-mail lists to Chuck, who will group them and send promotional info about the regional to the addresses listed. Katy will collect snail mail lists.
  • Volunteers are needed to staff tables, etc. As part of the package with the hotel, we have access to a conference room throughout the day. It was suggested we staff the room with volunteers to review students’ resumes. Robin, Jon and Katy volunteered to help. Katy is putting together a volunteer grid, which will show times and duties for volunteers to sign up.
  • In the past, we have distributed “welcome to Columbus” bags with items from the chamber, convention and visitors’ bureau, etc. Jennifer will contact former board member Jennifer Davis, who works at Experience Columbus, to see if they can help us put a package together. Approximately 120-140 attendees are expected.

Founders’ Day: Julanne sent info to respective college advisers at Ohio University and Ohio State University to recommend scholarship recipients. Regarding speakers: Jim Tressel is booked out three years in advance. We discussed Richard Cordray as a possible speaker, as well as a possible panel of journalists discussing the state of the industry. Jon is checking out the following leads:

  • Greg Kirstein, senior vice president of the Blue Jackets and general counsel, who is a former journalist
  • Pete Souza, former OU professor, who is now the official White House photographer
  • Bob Kaplan, NYT photographer
  • Stephen Harrison, photographer

May 7, 14 and 21 are possible dates for the banquet. OSU golf club house was discussed as a possibility, but we would have to share the main room with golfers the night of the event. We decided to secure a speaker and then find a date and location.

Regarding the auction, Phil Rudell said he is not interested in chairing. Jennifer will ask Sharon West to take over that program. She will see if Dave Richter and Jennifer Davis, who have worked on the auction in the past, will help.

SPJ Contest: The entry form will go out the middle of February with a reminder e-mail blast hitting the end of the month.

The meeting adjourned at 1 p.m.