NYT’s David Carr talkes to Ohio State students
Nicole Kraft, Ohio State University journalism professor and Central Ohio SPJ board member, chronicled David Carr’s visit to campus Friday in this Storify post.
Nicole Kraft, Ohio State University journalism professor and Central Ohio SPJ board member, chronicled David Carr’s visit to campus Friday in this Storify post.
Digital strategist Adam Schweigert spoke about the best “apps” and other digital tools available for journalists to a crowd of about 30 on Ohio State’s campus on Feb. 21.
David Carr, the respected and influential media writer for the New York Times, and one of America’s most recognized journalists thanks to his role in the film “Page One,” will visit Ohio State University’s School of Communication March 1 as part of the William D. Stewart Lecture Series.
Every so often, we like to do a little remodeling on the website. With the rise of “responsive web design,” we’re changing again.
Digital strategist Adam Schweigert will discuss the best apps for journalists at a Feb. 21 Ohio State University SPJ student chapter event sponsored by the pro chapter. The event is scheduled for 6 p.m. in room 106 of the Journalism Building, 242 W. 18th Ave. on the OSU campus. The Tuttle garage is the closest to the venue.
Entries are being accepted for the third annual Marty’s writing contest for central Ohio high-school journalists.
Jan. 14, 2013, board meeting minutes Attendance: Jennifer Monnin, Chuck Nelson, Julanne Hohbach, Dan Caterinicchia, Sharon West, Karen Kasler, Rick Rouan, Philip Rudell, Beth Gianforcaro, Chelsea Castle, Tom Borgerding Call to order: 12:06 p.m. Minutes: Minutes for September, November, December …
Dec. 10, 2012, board meeting minutes Attendance: Sharon West, Phil Rudell, Julanne Hohbach, Doug Haddix, Beth Gianforcaro, Jennifer Monnin, Dan Caterinicchia, Chelsea Castle, Tom Borgerding Call to order and minutes approved: 12:15 p.m. (Minutes approved were from June. November minutes …
The Central Ohio Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists invites local journalists, communicators, public relations professionals and marketers to celebrate the holidays with a happy hour to mix, mingle and network.
The Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism at Ohio State and the SPJ Central Ohio Pro Chapter recently hosted the 2012 Social Media Summit at The Ohio State University.