Sept 10 2012 board meeting minutes
Sept. 10, 2012, board meeting minutes
Attendance: Tom Borgerding, Dan Caterinicchia, Beth Gianforcaro, Doug Haddix, Julanne Hohbach, Nicole Kraft, Eric Lyttle, Jennifer Monnin, Chuck Nelson and Philip Rudell
Call to order: 12:05 p.m.
Minutes: No minutes were approved.
Report from Mike Lorz: Mike Lorz, who coordinates the Ohio SPJ contest with Cleveland, Cincinnati and Central Ohio chapters, attended the meeting to discuss a proposal to move the contest to an online submission and judging system.
The proposal is from SmallTownPapers for a system called BetterBNC, which runs about 100 newspaper contests. There would be a fee of $4,205 initially plus a $2,875 annual cost. Mike wasn’t sure whether there would also be a cost to customize the program for our contest. Their fee covers up to 2,500 entries.
An online system would save Mike and his staff time on data entry, would save submitters from having to send in paper entries, and would save postage and the time spent mailing entries. Judge would be able to read and rank entries online. One question is whether to handle the “Best” categories by mail since some require sending whole issues of a publication. Mike believes the online contest would save money compared with the way the contest is currently run.
Julanne Hohbach and Doug Haddix pointed out that payment systems for some online contests can be cumbersome, such as those that use Eventbrite where submitters must buy a “ticket” for each entry an re-enter all the details at checkout. It would be preferable to make payments in one transaction.
It was suggested that several folks from our chapter should participate in an online demonstration of the BetterBNC system to see how it works. Mike will work on coordinating this.
Financial: Treasurer Philip Rudell reported that the new silent auction total is up to $911, though Phil was verifying whether a $25 check from Joe Meyer was or was not included in that total. Founders Day incurred expenses of $3,134.62 and brought in receipts of $3,120 for a slight shortfall. The shortfall would have been much larger without a $1,500 sponsorship from The Dispatch Printing Co.
New business: The board skipped ahead to new business to discuss filling the seat vacated by Andrew Welsh Huggins because at least one board member needed to leave early. Chuck Nelson nominated Rick Rouan of Columbus Business First to fill the unexpired term, which concludes with Founders Day 2013. Beth Gianforcaro seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Financial (resumed): Tom Borgerding made a motion to send Eric Lyttle to the national SPJ convention as our chapter delegate, and to reimburse his expenses. Jennifer Monnin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Membership: No report
Programming: For multiple years, the chapter has co-sponsored the Ohio State Bar Association’s Law & Media Conference, scheduled this year for Oct. 12. We are listed as a co-sponsor and pay the cost of the breakfast offered at the event. In recent years, this has been around $100. Chuck Nelson made a motion to approve co-sponsoring this event again and authorizing up to $200 in expenses for the breakfast. Doug Haddix seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The board reviewed the programs held to date in the current year (for national reporting purposes, the 2011 year was May 1, 2011 to May 1, 2012): Founders Day, held at the River Club Restaurant at Confluence Park on May 17; an ethics program with Dan Trevas (chair of Ohio State Bar Association’s Media Law Committee) at Plank’s on June 8; the Art of Access program (through SPJ national) at COSI on June 22; the Mindset Digital program on social media at The Columbus Dispatch on June 27; and the Main Street Free Press Museum in Fredericktown on Sept. 6.
Old business: None
New business: Eric suggested the board revisit the bylaws review that was started last year but tabled due to lack of time before Founders Day. Eric also will send an email to directors asking for committee volunteers for the year.
The board adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Julanne Hohbach