News from Central Ohio SPJ
Harrower To Headline
Harrower is coming! Harrower is coming! Attention designers: Renowned newspaper design guru Tim Harrower has been off the seminar circuit – holed up in Oregon, avoiding mudslides and completing a new book – for the better part of two years. …
National Wants Your Opinion
In the wake of stirring controversies surrounding the media’s use of confidential sources, SPJ would like to hear what’s on your mind. Are confidential sources vital to your reporting? Does the public have a right to know who your sources …
Thurber Gathering Tomorrow
All Central Ohio communicators, journalists and writers are invited to join the Central Ohio Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists tomorrow, March 9, for our monthly Thursdays at Thurber social shindig. Come to the Thurber Bar in the Westin …
Job Board Added
We’ve added a Job Board page to the site as a another resource for members and non-members alike. Listings for journalism-related positions can be sent to [email protected]. The service is free.
Publisher named
Circulation executive Rick Szabrak has been named publisher of the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette and the Chillicothe Gazette. Effective Wednesday, Szabrak will succeed Greg Ptacin, 64, who is retiring after 28 years as a publisher. Ptacin has been the publisher at Lancaster …
Jan 9 2006 board meeting minutes
Jan. 9, 2006, board meeting minutes
‘Arc of Justice’ author to speak
Ohio State University professor of history Kevin Boyle will headline the next Central Ohio SPJ program, talking about his 2004 book, Arc of Justice: A Saga of Race, Civil Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age. Join journalists and students …
Glenn Institute hosts Brokaw
The John Glenn Institute at Ohio State University will host former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw during a public program on March 8. The lecture at Mershon Auditorium is free but does require registration. Brokaw, who wrote The Greatest …
Podcasting program online
If you weren’t able to attend the chapter’s Feb. 2 program on podcasting, here’s your chance to experience it (minus the box lunch). Click here and the audio file will load in your browser and begin playing. The file is …