News from Central Ohio SPJ
Dec 14 2009 board meeting minutes
Dec. 14, 2009 board meeting minutes Attendance: Jennifer Monnin, Jane Beathard, Robin Hepler, Chuck Nelson, Kevin Kemper, Sarah Mills Bacha, Mike Lorz, Sharon West, Julanne Hohbach, Beth Gianforcaro President Kevin Kemper called the meeting to order at noon with a …
Meet the Kips 2010
Happy new year! Join Central Ohio SPJ and OSU’s 2010 class of Kiplinger Fellows for happy hour from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Jan. 29 at Eddie George’s Grill in the South Campus Gateway. Meet the Kips 2010 will give Columbus journalists a …
Reporters talk about covering the Rifqa Bary case
Media coverage of the controversy surrounding a Muslim teen from Central Ohio who ran away to Florida to join a conservative Christian church was the topic of an SPJ diversity event on Thursday, Nov. 19, at the Worthington Inn in …
Reporters talk about covering the Rifqa Bary case Read more »
Nov 9 2009 board meeting minutes
Nov. 9, 2009 board meeting minutes Attendance: Jennifer Monnin, Jane Beathard, Robin Hepler, Chuck Nelson, Kevin Kemper, Sarah Mills-Bacha, Mike Lorz, Sharon West, Julanne Hohbach, Beth Gianforcaro President Kevin Kemper called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. with a …
Law & Media conference success!
A record number of journalists, lawyers, judges, students, teachers, PR professionals and others gathered last month for the Ohio State Bar Association’s annual Law & Media Conference to learn about topics such as the future of local media; challenges facing …
Oct 12 2009 board meeting minutes
October 12, 2009 board meeting minutes Attendance: Jennifer Monnin, Jane Beathard, Robin Hepler, Chuck Nelson, Kevin Kemper, Barbara James, Mike Lorz, Jonathan Peters, Sharon West, Julanne Hohbach President Kevin Kemper called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. with a …
Nov. 19 — Covering the Rifqa Bary case
The story of Rifqa Bary, a 17-year-old girl who converted from Islam to Christianity then ran away from home, has been one of the most enduring stories of the year. Join the Central Ohio Society of Professional Journalists for its annual …
Sept 14 2009 board meeting minutes
September 14, 2009 board meeting minutes Attendance: Jennifer Monnin, Jane Beathard, Katy Waters, Sarah Mills Bacha, Robin Hepler, Chuck Nelson, Joe Meyer, Kevin Kemper, Barbara James, Beth Gianforcaro President Kevin Kemper called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. with …
Fall 2009 candidates’ nights
SPJ Central Ohio is proud to be a sponsor of the Franklin County Consortium for Good Government’s events this year. This nonpartisan organization puts on a series of well-run candidates’ nights intended to help undecided voters make their choices with …