New look for the site
Times change and so do Web sites. To keep up with the times (and the new version of WordPress), a few changes have been made to the Central Ohio SPJ site. Since the old theme didn’t work with the new …
Times change and so do Web sites. To keep up with the times (and the new version of WordPress), a few changes have been made to the Central Ohio SPJ site. Since the old theme didn’t work with the new …
The Columbus Association of Black Journalists has raised $8,500 for a minority scholarship, but needs $10,000 so the scholarship can be administered by the Columbus Foundation and an annual award given. At the annual Founders Day Banquet last night, the …
April 9, 2007, board meeting minutes
The reservation deadline for Founders Day 2007 is approaching quickly. Don’t miss this special night, capped by our keynote speaker, Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. Reservations are due by 9 a.m., May 17. Use PayPal or a credit card to make …
Join us May 24 at the OSU Golf Course for the annual Central Ohio SPJ Founders Day celebration featuring a silent auction, the presentation of collegiate scholarships and the chapter’s First Amendment, Distinguished Service, Appreciation, and Brick Wall Awards. Gov. …
March 12, 2007, board meeting minutes
The second pillar of the SPJ Code of Ethics says we should minimize harm by treating sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect. But how? And, who’s to be the judge of whether we have reached a …
The Central Ohio Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists is pleased to announce it will host a national SPJ “Training on the Go” Newsroom Training Program on Saturday, March 31, at the Radisson Hotel in Worthington. The program will …
Feb. 12, 2007, board meeting minutes
Jan. 8, 2007, board meeting minutes