March 13 2006 board meeting minutes
March 13, 2006, Board Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Bacha, Beathard, Davis, Hepler, Hoke, Kiefer, Kostyu, Lorz, Meyer, Monnin, Nelson, Richards, Richter
President Joe Meyer called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m.
Minutes accepted: The board approved a motion by David Richter, seconded by Paul Kostyu, to approve the minutes from the February meeting that secretary Kirk D. Richards prepared.
Financial reporter: David, the treasurer, submitted the following: The checking account at Fifth Third Bank has $1,397.59 The chapter paid $150 to The Westin for a Thursdays at Thurber event
Programs: Joe noted that First Vice President Brian Ball, who handles programs, was absent from the meeting so he could be with an ill family member.
The program with Arc of Justice author Kevin Boyle was a success. Boyle was a great speaker and friendly, and he had so much to say that he did not get to finish his lunch, Joe said.
Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts is at Ohio University and some members thought that he might have an interest in returning to the Buckeye state to lead a program for us. Pitts is leaving in May and it is not likely that our chapter could arrange a program with him before then.
Thursdays at Thurber: The Thurber event last week attracted at least 20 people. A subcommittee is to determine the location for the next installment on April 13.
Jennifer Davis noted that April 13 is a game night at Nationwide Arena, suggesting that the board might want to avoid that area on that night.
David reiterated that Thurber was not the best location for a variety of reasons. The location was chosen partly to make it easy for employees of The Columbus Dispatch, but many of the writers and editors there are still working in the evening when the Thursday social is being held.
Drinks cost $7 to $9. The chapter spent $150 for a single tray of cheese, grapes, chips and dip.
Kathy Hoke noted that it’s hard to attract a college crowd with expensive drinks.
Mike Lorz suggested that the board send out a message asking for suggestions from members and prospective members.
Regional Conference: This event is to be held April 7-8 in Cincinnati. A keynote speech is to be delivered by John Lansing of Scripps Networks.
Tim Harrower design seminar: This is to be held from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 22 at Otterbein College. Harrower’s fee is $2,500, and the chapter also is to cover his hotel costs (about $90 a night) and flight.
The board approved a motion by Paul, seconded by Chuck Nelson, to authorize Joe to spend up to $400 to print and mail announcements on the event.
David said that registrations may be sent to his address.
Potential June program: Debra Mason, the executive director of the Religion Newswriters Association & Foundation, said her group wants to work with our chapter on a June event timed around a visit by an Episcopalian group.
Founders Day: This is to be held May 18 at the OSU Golf Course Clubhouse with Paul Tipps and Neil Clark as the speakers.
Board members agreed that the chapter should seek the same menu used last year if it’s available.
About 60 attended Founders Day last year.
Board terms: Jennifer Davis reported that Chuck and Marty Rozenman will not be able to seek re-election this year because of term limits.
Kirk, Jennifer Monnin and Sarah Mills Bacha have agreed to run for another term.
Two positions are open and they likely are to be filled by Kiplinger director Deb Jasper and Columbus Dispatch reporter Sherri Williams.
The board approved a motion by Mike, seconded by David, to place Jasper and Williams on the ballot. Two blank spaces also will be left for write-ins.
Scholarships: Members agreed that leaders at journalism colleges ought to be contacted to identify candidates.
Chapter Awards: The board approved a motion by Joe, seconded by David, to name board member Marty Rozenman a nominee for Distinguished Service, typically an internal award, according to Robin Hepler.
Board members agreed to think about candidates for the Appreciation Award, First Amendment Award and Brick Wall Award.
Paul nominated Republican State Rep. Bill Seitz of Cincinnati for a brick because he has held up the latest version of an open-records bill.
Gary Kiefer nominated Ohio State University, noting efforts to redact information regarding the dismissal of former men’s head basketball coach Jim O’Brien.
J. Kenneth Blackwell also was mentioned as a nominee because the Republican candidate for governor has deferred to his campaign schedule, which is secret, instead of his regular schedule as the secretary of state.
Ballots must be back by the April meeting.
Membership: Joe noted that the board would like a new printed roster.
New business: A chapter is Maryland is seeking help to judge a contest. Joe said he’s seeking more details but might ask for board members to help. The chapter already is committed to judge some Mark of Excellence awards. Our chapter is to receive a shipment on April 4th for two photography categories.
Sunshine laws: An event is being held on this topic today from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Doug Clifton and Dave Marburger are panelists.
Working Press: Paul notified the board that he is out as adviser of the Working Press, a student-produced newspaper circulated during the SPJ national convention.
Adjournment: The board approved a motion by Joe, seconded by Jane Beathard, to adjourn at 1:08 p.m.