Jan 9 2006 board meeting minutes

Jan. 9, 2006, board meeting minutes

Bacha, Ball, Davis, Hoke, Kiefer, Kostyu, Lorz, Richards, Richter

President Joe Meyer called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.

November minutes
: The board approved a motion by David Richter, seconded by Brian Ball, to approve the minutes from the November meeting that Kirk D. Richards had prepared.

December minutes: The board approved a motion by Mike Lorz, seconded by David, to approve the minutes from the December meeting that Robin Hepler had prepared.

Financial report: David, the treasurer, submitted the following:
The balance in the checking account at Fifth Third Bank is $1,650.67.
The chapter reimbursed Chuck Nelson $105.24 for the cost to launch the new Web site.

New Web site: The site is a blog and offers greater opportunities for communication, Joe said.

Gary Kiefer noted that the previous Web site had an archaic coding system and that updating it required the service of someone who knew the ins and outs. But the new site is much easier to organize and allows people to post messages, he said.

When the previous host shut off the chapter site, none of the information was lost because Gary had saved it on a CD.

Joe directed Kirk to send Chuck a copy of the minutes for posting on the site.

Thursdays at Thurber: Sara Mills Bacha asked whether it is time to scale back on the food because there were a lot of leftovers. David explained that 38 came to the first event and that there wasn’t enough food. In response, the chapter increased the spending from $200 to $300, but ever since, the number of participants has decreased.

Programs: Jan 19 An informal reception is to be held at Business First for this year’s Kiplinger class.

The board approved a motion by Paul Kostyu, seconded by Sara, to authorize Brian to spend up to $200 for pizza and beverages for the program.

Feb. 2 A “podcasting” seminar at the Fawcett Center for Tomorrow. Joe said that the chapter is to let the public know in advance that seating for this is limited.

Feb. 28 A luncheon is to be held featuring Ohio State University Professor Kevin Boyle, author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated Arc of Justice book on the trial of an African American doctor in Detroit during the 1920s. The location is undetermined but members said it could be held at Holiday Inn City Center, Barley’s or the Ohio Historical Society. Kirk, who is president of the Columbus Association of Black Journalists, said he would make sure that members of that group are aware of the program.

The Columbus Metropolitan Club is seeking co-sponsorship on a March luncheon on the May gubernatorial primary. Brian thinks the club wants to use SPJ’s influence to increase the likelihood of attracting strong panelists to ask questions of the candidates.

Tim Harrower could hold a design seminar for our chapter on April 15 or April 22. The latter date is preferred, Joe said.

Regional cooperation: Joe said chapters in the region are in cooperation mode to share program ideas. The goal is to encourage people from other places to come to our programs and not worry so much about whether other chapters will steal our program ideas.

Founders Day: The event is tentatively set for May 18 at the OSU Golf Course.

Board terms: Kathy Hoke recommended asking the membership who’s interested in serving on the board. It’s up to the membership to elect board members, but it’s up to the board to decide who goes on the ballot.

Auction: Sara said she would take the lead in finding items for auction, and Jennifer Davis said she would help. David noted that Marty Rozenman likely would help find items as he has done for years.

Ohio SPJ Awards in Cincinnati: Contest entries are being solicited.

Members are invited to meetings: Joe recommended that board members welcome chapter members to meetings as a way to generate interest.

Prospective members, however, ought to go to chapter events instead, such as the monthly mixer known as Thursdays at Thurber. Attendees who become members would be welcome to the meetings the same as anyone else who has paid dues.

Adjournment: The board approved a motion by Paul, seconded by Brian, to adjourn at 1 p.m.