TWO DAYS LEFT for Special Offer

Join SPJ, and we'll pay your fare on the News Train

Pay to become a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and attend the powerhouse News Train professional development seminar FOR FREE.

The News Train, a touring training seminar for journalists sponsored by the Associated Press Media Editors (APME), is coming to the Columbus area Oct. 21. It will offer world class training in mobile, social, video and data at Ohio Univeristy's facility in Dublin, just northwest of Columbus.

Through 5 p.m. Sept. 21, SPJ's Central Ohio Chapter in underwriting an awesome deal for newcomers interested in this great event:

You pay for a one-year professional membership in the Society of Professional Journalists ($90 to join both the national organization and its Central Ohio Chapter) and we pay your entire cost of to attend the News Train. That's a $75 value, for training worth much, much more. And you will be joining the nation's largest journalism advocacy and training organization -- which comes with its own rich benefits, resources and network of peers. And hey, a light breakfast and a lunch is included.

This offer is open only to the first 20 professional journalists who join SPJ for the first time, or rejoin after a lapse in membership of more than a year.

Read more about the News Train and its Columbus stop at Find out more about the Central Ohio SPJ at, and national SPJ at

Then join SPJ through EventBrite at THIS LINK.

The Central Ohio SPJ will register you for the News Train Columbus stop upon processing your SPJ membership application.

We look forward to seeing you at the News Train Oct. 21, and for many years ahead at our future SPJ events.


News Train offer

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