Feb 11 2013 board meeting minutes
Feb. 11, 2013, board meeting minutes
Attendance: Eric Lyttle, Sharon West, Phil Rudell, Julanne Hohbach, Doug Haddix, Beth Gianforcaro, Jennifer Monnin, Rick Rouan, Dan Caterinicchia
Call to order and minutes approved: 12:17 p.m. (January minuted were amended to remove some incorrect information and approved)
Financial: Phil reported that the checking balance as of 2/11/2013 was $7,899.41, and that the $85 check for flowers was not yet showing up as a deduction. Should be there by next meeting as Eric said it has been cashed.
Membership: No update.
Programming: Beth reported that the meeting for 2/21/2013 with the OSU student chapter was a go. Will be held at OSU and Chuck will notify our members.
Regional conference in April in Dayton and Dan (lawyer) is open to serving on a panel there as well as doing the ethics talk here in Columbus. Sharon also said she would serve on a panel if needed and attend the regional conference.
No update on possible Watergate/John Dean event in July. Caterinicchia’s contact at OSU Marion is away until next week. But possibility of Dean being a guest on Ann Fisher and doing a small reception at Blackwell were discussed.
Founders Day: Sharon has a hold on the OSU Golf Course and a room at the Fawcett Center for May 16. Pricing for both when all add-ons are considered is very close, but each has other pros/cons. Beth reminds everyone to get at least two silent auction items in before the event.
Old Business: Lots of discussion about Ohio SPJ Awards. Eric will reach out to Mike Lorz and other chapter presidents for clarity.
New Business: The board again noted a coming leadership void. Phil would serve as president but expressed interest in “new blood” taking over as did other members.
Call for Martys entries went out last week and are due back Feb. 28.
Chuck’s work on the website was applauded by all.
Phil can designate the Money Market fund as a scholarship fund if that is the board’s desire. No formal action on that taken. Tabled until March.
Meeting adjourned at 1:04 p.m.