May 12 2014 board meeting minutes

Meeting Minutes 05/12/14


Members present: S. Mills Bacha, D. Buchanan, D.Caterinicchia, B. Gianforcaro, J. Hohbach, B. Cadwallader, J. Monnin, S. West. (a quorum existed)

Absent: C. Castle, D. Caternicchia, K. Kasler, N. Kraft, J. Peters, J. Meyer, K.Smith

Meeting Start time: 12:12                                                                                             Meeting End Time: 1:15


  • Minutes. N/A since they were not presented. Still seeking prior minutes from 2010 and 2011.
  • Treasurer’s Report: $15,849.76 in the checking; appr. $35,663 in Vanguard. The Region 4 Conference showed a profit of nearly $500.
  • Membership: No report from the committee, although it was noted several Dispatch staff members have apparently dropped off the rolls. We will be doing a targeted mailing and develop a new strategic plan to recruit new members, esp. with advance programming ideas.
  • Programming: No report from the committee. It was determined the first program in January should be a Broadway Series viewing of “Newsies,” at the Ohio Theater with preferred group seating. S. Bacha will prepare an announcement to gauge interest and set up an online ordering system.
  • Records Retention policy: The Central Ohio Chapter would like to gather and store all historical documents possible in the coming term; possibly in a Dropbox or password-protected form.
  • Chapter Judging: B. Gianforcaro noted extreme measures were taken to streamline entries in the Washington,DC chapter submissions and there were electronic problems getting started with the New Jersey Chapter awards. All judging continues, but a meeting with Ohio SPJ officials will be called during the summer to better understand and refine our responsibilities.
  • Judging for the Martys: J. Hohbach confirms the judges have declared winners in the high school contest administered by the Dispatch. We are expected to purchase one plaque for the winner.


  • West Resignation: The board reluctantly accepted the resignation of long-term board member Sharon West (attached) and asked her to recommend a replacement.
  • Next board meeting: A summer session will be called on June 9 to discuss programming/budget.                                         Minutes recorded by B. Cadwallader