April 14 2014 board meeting minutes
Meeting Minutes 4/14/14
Members present: S. Mills Bacha, D. Buchanan, D. Gianforcaro, J. Hohbach, K. Kasler, B. Cadwallader, J. Monnin, J. Meyer, K. Smith, S. West. (a quorum existed)
Absent: C. Castle, D. Caternicchia, N. Kraft, J. Peters, P. Rudell
Meeting Start time: 12:05 Meeting End Time: 1:15
- Minutes. N/A since they were not presented. Still seeking prior minutes from 2010 and 2011.
- Treasurer’s Report: $23, 319 in the checking; appr. $35,209 in Vanguard with about $18,000 in anticipated expenses from the Region 4 Conference; plus $2,000 in scholarship checks. The conference will result in a positive balance after a re-negotiation of the Fawcett Center final bill.
- Membership: No report from the committee
- Programming: No report from the committee because of the regional.
- Regional overview: Very positive comments about Founder’s Day reception at the OSU Billy Ireland Cartoon Library with an estimated crowd of 125 and a Saturday conference highlighted by a luncheon attended by 160. Breakout sessions were roundly hailed as successful and informative with several student groups staying past the last session at 4 p.m.. The silent auction raised $1,119 and conference sponsorships totaled $8,850. A surplus of beer and wine will be reimbursed by private sale to board members and friends. At least 51 comps were reported to the board and EventBrite registration numbers were still being compiled.
- Board of Directors: A new slate of officers were sworn in at Founder’s Day to include: Sarah Bacha Mills as incoming president; Joe Meyer as 1st Vice President; Bruce Cadwallader as 2nd Vice President, Beth Gianforcaro as secretary, and Doug Buchanan as treasurer with board members sworn in for new terms: Dan Caterninicchia, Mary Ann Edwards, and Julanne Hohbach.
- Contest Judging: Discussion ensued about the current state of entries from Washington D.C. and New Jersey chapters on a reciprocal basis, which is on a fast-track and a bit unorganized. President Gianforcaro spent multiple hours of private time sorting entries which were later deemed to be sent with incorrect instructions. A request was sent to Mike Lorz to resolve the issues since our chapter provided 25 judges that now cannot begin work.
- In addition, the Ohio SPJ Awards are in process with very little accountability from the organizers. MOTION BY S. WEST: The president shall appoint an ad hoc committee to review our participation in the Ohio SPJ awards and recommend changes to the three-city SPJ chapters. SECONDED BY J. MEYER.
Discussion ensued about the lack of accounting; lack of discussion of entry and category updates, sliding judging deadlines and reciprocal agreements and why Central Ohio SPJ appears to receive a bulk of the entries without proper compensation. VOTE AND MOTION CARRIED.
- The Marty’s: J. Meyer reported the awards are in process. The discussion involved a $1,000 check from The Dispatch which is being withheld to support the Marty’s instead of paying the award winners directly. Meyer and Hohbach will check with Dispatch sponsors.
Minutes recorded by B. Cadwallader