Jan 14 2013 board meeting minutes
Jan. 14, 2013, board meeting minutes
Attendance: Jennifer Monnin, Chuck Nelson, Julanne Hohbach, Dan Caterinicchia, Sharon West, Karen Kasler, Rick Rouan, Philip Rudell, Beth Gianforcaro, Chelsea Castle, Tom Borgerding
Call to order: 12:06 p.m.
Minutes: Minutes for September, November, December 2012 were approved.
Financial: Treasurer Philip Rudell reported everything “pretty cut and dried.” On Dec. 11, 2012, Rudell switched $14,000 in Vanguard fund to money-market fund. The action followe an earlier recommendation by the board to allocate Vanguard funds by thirds into money-market, bond, and indexed-stock fund. Rudell says the bond fund serves as counterweight to stocks and he suggested the board revisit its action in one year.
Rudell reported receipt of checks:
$79.50 from National SPJ
$1,422.03 from OSU as part of chapter role in Kip Camp program
Checks dispensed:
$85.35 reimbursement to Eric Lyttle
Monnin made motion, Caterinicchia seconded to adjust allocation to thirds and do annual review of fund allocation. Board approved unanimously.
Gianforcaro notes chapter members helped with the Kip Camp in November 2012. SPJ helped with promotions, logistics and registrations and did some blogging for the program for mid-career journalists.
Membership: No report
Programming: Sharon West outlined two site quotes for Founders Day on May 16, 2013. One from the River Club ($2,000 + minimum registration +service charge), a second from The Fawcett Center ($75 registration+minimum cash bar 2hrs@ $75/hr.) Estimated upfront cost of $350. West and Monnin also discussed possible Nationwide Arena site.
Nelson, Monnin and Caterinicchia discussed need for multiple levels of outreach for Founders Day sponsorships. Last year, a table of 10 sold for $1,500. Gianforcaro suggest possible levels for this year be established: $1,500 for 10 seats; $500 for 4 seats; $250 for 2 seats + logo
Silent Auction: Last year made $911.00 on auction. Each board member will be asked again this year to donate two items.
Scholarship: Hohbach will send notifications to area colleges and universities that SPJ has scholarship competition available to students.
Scholarship fund: Hohbach asked whether chapter needs separate scholarship fund. Rudell characterized that as ‘worthy idea.’ Nelson indicated by-laws might require separate fund.
Board make-up: Five board members’ terms expire in May. Rudell says former board member Sarah Mills Bacha interested in re-joining board. Suggestions should be turned in to President Lyttle in April.
Programming events: More discussion on what role, if any, SPJ Chapter will fill at OSU Marion event commemorating 40th anniversary of Senate Watergate Hearings. Caterinicchia will update. This year, SPJ has sponsored a programming event in every month from June 2012 through December. Discussion turned to Ethics training. Monnin asked whether chapter could do Ethics training twice, once in Columbus and once in Dayton by helping with Region 4 conference in Dayton in April. Gianforcaro asked whether we can offer Region 4 as one of chapter’s programs. Rudell indicated Dayton venue is better suited for ethics training. Hohbach says Columbus chapter cannot count Dayton event as one of our own. Castle says chapter should help Dayton since they might be able to help us next year. West also favors giving Dayton chapter help.
Possible upcoming events: Career Development; Plain Dealer Update
Feb. 21 OSU program: Key apps for Journalists; 6 p.m. Journalism building 18th and Neil; Presenter: Adam Schweigert
West moved, Caterinicchia 2nd to spend up to $100 to provide refreshments for 2/21 event. Board approved.
Short discussion of officers for next year. Tentative appointments: Nelson, treasurer, Borgerding, secretary, Monnin, membership. Vacancies: programming, president and 1st vice president.
West moved, Rudell second for adjournment. Board approved.
Adjourn: 1:28 p.m.
Submitted by Tom Borgerding