March 12 2012 board meeting minutes
March 12, 2012, board meeting minutes
Attendance: Julanne Hohbach, Barbara James, Eric Lyttle, Kevin Kemper, Sarah Mills Bacha, Chuck Nelson, Phil Ruddell, Tom Borgerding, Beth Gianforcaro, Dan Caterinicchia
Call to order: 12:07 p.m.
Minutes approval: Barbara James made a motion to approve February’s meeting minutes. Eric Lyttle seconded the month; vote passes on voice.
Financial: Treasurer Phil Rudell presented the chapter’s current finances. There has been little change since February’s meeting. Phil noted he planned to deposit a dues check from national. He will write a check for $507.01 to pay for the February Ethics event. Phil and the board also discussed the possibility of getting a debit card linked to the chapter’s checking account. His inclination is not to do it. No decision was made.
Membership: Julanne noted that national is asking chapters to hold a March membership drive, but the board agreed there was not enough time to put one together.
A) Newsroom Training: In February, the board discussed the topic for a newsroom training event. One suggestion included having it center on FOIA and pairing it with a membership happy hour. Over email, the board decided to make the training session about social media and is partnering with Debra Jasper of Mindset Digital to run the event. The event is tentatively scheduled for June 27.
B) Founders Day: Andrea Cambern from WNBS is confirmed as the featured speaker. Several locations were discussed. Over email, the board decided on the River Club as a location and the date is set for May 17. Beth asked that everyone gather two to three items for the annual silent auction (proceeds go towards local scholarhip funds).
Old Business:
A) SPJ 2012 High School Essay Contest: Barbara reported that she has received 22 entries for the high-school essay contest. Chuck Nelson and Eric Lyttle volunteered to judge. The winner of the local contest will receive from Central Ohio SPJ $150, a certificate and an invitation to Founders Day.
B) The Marty’s: Julanne reported that she has received 56 entries and that the process was well under way.
C) Local Scholarships: Julanne reported that entries are coming in slowly. She hopes the board can vote on winners in April.
D) Ted Scripps Leadership Conference: Chuck Nelson made a motion that the board submit Eric Lyttle as the chapter’s representative to the conference, as well as approve his expenses. Barbara James seconded and the motion passed on voice.
E) Chicago Headline Club Judging: Beth, Barb and Jennifer volunteered to judge entries.
New Business:
A) Board Member Replacement: Several board member candidates were discussed to replace Jennifer, Barb, Sarah and Meredith Heagney. Further discussion would take place over email.
B) Officer suggestions: The following people volunteered to be officer for the 2012-2013 year:
- Eric Lyttle, president
- Phil Rudell, treasurer
- First vice president, TBD
- Second vice president, TBD
- Kevin Kemper, Secretary
C) National Conference: Eric cannot attend this year’s conference. Julanne said she would send an email seeking a volunteer.
Adjournment: Chuck mad a motion for adjournment and Kevin seconded. Motion passed by voice vote.