Central Ohio SPJ co-sponsors 2011 Law & Media conference
On Friday, Oct. 14, journalists, lawyers, judges, professors, students and others will gather for stimulating discussions about hot media law topics at the Ohio State Bar Association’s (OSBA) annual Law & Media Conference, held at OSBA headquarters in Columbus (1700 Lake Shore Dr.).
The Central Ohio Chapter of SPJ is a co-sponsor of the event.
Srinandan Kasi, former counsel for the Associated Press and current EVP and COO of the News Licensing Group in New York City, will kick off the day-long conference at 10 a.m. with an address entitled, “Measure to Monetize: The Business of News.”
Prof. Tori Ekstrand of Bowling Green State University will moderate a follow-up panel discussion about legal and legislative solutions for protecting news content. She will be joined by Ben Marrison of The Columbus Dispatch, attorney Glenn Ostranger of Ostranger Chong Flaherty & Broitman P.C. of New York City, and Prof. Kathleen Olson of Lehigh University’s Department of Journalism and Communication.
Visit the bar association site for more information or download a registration form.